Growing Tobacco in Brazil: The Art and Science of Tobacco Cultivation

A harmonious blend of nature and human expertise – a farmer tenderly caring for tobacco plants in the vibrant fields of Brazil.
Embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of tobacco cultivation in Brazil, a country revered for its fertile soils and ideal climatic conditions. Brace yourself for an enchanting exploration of the art and science behind growing this prized plant. From the delicate emergence of tiny seeds to the sprawling fields of mature tobacco plants, the process of growing tobacco in Brazil is an awe-inspiring fusion of time-honored traditions and relentless innovation.

Tobacco holds a position of immense significance in Brazil’s agricultural landscape, thriving predominantly in two distinct regions: the lush south and the vibrant northeast. In the southern region, tobacco production serves as the lifeblood of approximately 135,000 resilient family farmers scattered across 656 municipalities. The states of Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul stand tall as the primary bastions of tobacco production in this bountiful region.

The northeastern part of Brazil, although yielding a lesser overall tobacco output compared to the south, garners attention for its exceptional tobacco varieties coveted by connoisseurs for crafting premium cigars. Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara, and Pernambuco take center stage as the states that rely on the tobacco industry, nurturing its growth and contributing to its splendid legacy.

Ancestral Roots: Nurturing Tobacco Through the Sands of Time

The captivating tale of tobacco in Brazil finds its origins intertwined with the annals of history. Its cultivation traces back to the pre-Columbian era when indigenous tribes revered the plant for its medicinal properties and sacred rituals. The arrival of European settlers brought forth a realization of the plant’s vast commercial potential, giving rise to sprawling tobacco farms that became symbols of prosperity.

The Golden Era: A Flourishing Tapestry of Brazilian Tobacco

The 20th century heralded a resplendent golden era for Brazilian tobacco production. Fueled by the global demand for cigars and cigarettes, Brazil emerged as a prominent player in the tobacco realm, renowned for its exceptional tobacco varieties and unparalleled quality.

A Symphony of Flavors: Exploring Brazil’s Diverse Tobacco Varieties

Within Brazil’s borders reside a myriad of tobacco varieties, each bestowing a distinct personality upon those who indulge. Among these, the Brazilian Dark Air and the esteemed Mata Fina varieties reign supreme, tantalizing the palates of cigar aficionados worldwide with their captivating flavors and enticing aromas.

The Dance of Life: Unveiling the Enigmatic Tobacco Plant Lifecycle

The life cycle of the tobacco plant is an enchanting marvel, a dance choreographed by nature itself. It commences with minuscule seeds, barely discernible to the naked eye, and culminates in a symphony of flourishing plants adorned with broad, emerald leaves, basking in the glow of their imminent harvest.

The Soul of the Earth: The Sacred Role of Soil Selection

The quality of tobacco is intrinsically tied to the soil it calls home. A harmonious collaboration with the earth unfolds when the ideal soil is chosen – a well-drained canvas enriched with organic treasures and adorned with a subtly acidic pH. Brazilian tobacco farmers meticulously nurture the health of their soils, embracing this sacred symbiosis to orchestrate a bountiful harvest.

The Seeding Ritual: Sprouting the Magic

Planting tobacco seeds is a ritual steeped in reverence and devotion. These precious seeds are tenderly nestled within meticulously prepared seedbeds, lovingly ushering in the early days of spring. Once the seedlings reach a certain height, they are delicately transplanted to the vast expanses of the fields, commencing their journey towards maturity.

A Symphony of Care: Nurturing the Verdant Guardians

Growing tobacco demands unwavering dedication and ceaseless vigilance. It is a symphony of care and commitment, an eternal dance between farmer and crop. Watering, weeding, and shielding the plants from pests and diseases become rites of passage for these guardians of verdant life.

The Harvest’s Embrace: A Harvest of Dreams

Anticipation fills the air as the time for harvest approaches – the crescendo of the tobacco plant’s enchanting journey. In Brazil, this stage unfolds with meticulous precision as skilled hands gently pluck the leaves, their fingers imbued with the wisdom passed down through generations. Timing is everything, for the leaves must be gathered at the pinnacle of maturity, unveiling their fullest potential.

The Alchemical Metamorphosis: The Art of Curing

Curing, the alchemical transformation that befalls the harvested tobacco leaves, is a pivotal chapter in the tale of tobacco processing. It is during this metamorphosis that the leaves develop their signature aroma and flavor, emerging as embodiments of tobacco’s captivating essence. The method of curing yields the power to weave intricate nuances into the final product’s tapestry of quality.

Introduction: Unveiling Brazil’s Verdant Tapestry

Brazil, a land of vibrant diversity and natural wonders, stands as a testament to the breathtaking allure of our world. Among the many vibrant threads that compose its tapestry, tobacco emerges as a prominent figure, weaving a story of cultural heritage, economic vitality, and agricultural prowess.

The Pulsating Heart: The Significance of Tobacco in Brazil

Tobacco in Brazil surpasses the realm of a mere plant – it becomes a powerful force that propels the nation’s economy and touches the lives of countless families. A remarkable tapestry unfolds as an estimated 171,000 tenacious family farmers toil in the fields of the south and northeast, contributing to an industry that directly and indirectly bestows over 2.1 million livelihoods and fuels the nation’s fiscal foundations.

The Southern Symphony: Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul

Tobacco farming stands as an unwavering pillar in the southern states of Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. These verdant lands serve as a nurturing cradle for approximately 135,000 family farmers, whose lives revolve around the rhythmic pulse of tobacco production.

The Northeastern Melody: Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara, Pernambuco, and Bahia

In the vibrant northeast, tobacco reigns as the lifeblood of 39 municipalities, casting a spell of prosperity over states like Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara, Pernambuco, and Bahia. Here, tobacco assumes the mantle of sustenance, breathing life into families and cultivating vibrant economies.

Prosperity Unveiled: Income and Employment

Tobacco cultivation unfolds as an economic cornucopia for Brazilian families, yielding income levels four times higher than those of alternative crops.

A Revenue Tapestry: Tax Revenues

States rejoice in the abundant tax revenues gifted by tobacco, with the value-added tax – ICMS – acting as a resounding testament to the economic significance of this flourishing industry.

Tobacco assumes a central role in Brazil, not only as an economic powerhouse but also as a lifeline for small-scale farmers. In the south, the average tobacco farm spans 16.8 hectares, with a modest 2.5 hectares dedicated to tobacco cultivation. Despite the modest size, tobacco cultivation fosters an income four times greater than that of alternative crops, anchoring rural communities and alleviating the plight of rural exodus, a specter haunting Brazil in the wake of trade liberalization.

In the northeast, where tobacco cultivation manifests on a smaller scale, the impact is no less profound. The region’s tobacco boasts exceptional quality, fueling the production of higher-value cigars and providing vital employment opportunities for families. Shifting away from tobacco would reverberate throughout these farming communities, casting a shadow over their food security and economic stability.

The symbiotic relationship between tobacco farmers and companies takes the form of an “integration” system. Under this system, growers embrace a technological package of best practices, benefit from financial support for production costs, and find solace in the assurance that their harvest will be purchased. This system acts as a fortress of price insurance, exerting a significant influence on the supply chain. Notably, it also facilitates stringent quality control at the farm level, ensuring that only the finest leaves grace the industry’s tapestry.

In essence, the tobacco industry employs approximately 3.2% of Brazil’s workforce, with half a million individuals engaged in tobacco-related activities in the agricultural sector alone. An additional 223,000 jobs blossom in farming-related domains, such as tobacco processing. The cigarette industry, a titan in its own right, directly and indirectly stimulates a staggering 2.1 million jobs, boasting a turnover of R$ 4.8 billion and contributing R$ 3.1 billion in tax revenues.


In the 2000/01 season, the southern states of Brazil witnessed a tobacco production of 504,728 tonnes, yielding a remarkable gross income of R$ 1.23 billion. The southern region alone supports approximately half a million jobs in the tobacco industry. In the northeast, a typical small-scale farmer in the Reconcavo region of Bahia tends to cultivate an average of 0.5 hectares of tobacco, translating to a gross income of R$ 3,000 per year, capable of supporting a household of six individuals.

The mighty cigarette industry in Brazil stands as a testament to the empire of tobacco, generating 2.1 million jobs and exuding a financial aura with a turnover of R$ 4.8 billion, yielding substantial tax revenues amounting to R$ 3.1 billion. The realm of tobacco cultivation bestows prosperity upon all who partake in its dance, manifesting as a resilient source of livelihood for countless families.

Sources of information:

  1. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): “Tobacco in Brazil”
  2. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)
  3. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA), Brazil
  4. Associacao dos Fumicultores Brasileiros (Afubra) – the Association of Brazilian Tobacco Growers
  5. Associacao Brasileira das Industrias do Fumo (Abifumo) – the Brazilian Tobacco Industry Association